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After drawing the German tourists and the Chinese tourists portraits, PXCom deals now with the American tourists. These tourists have a unique profile, and different needs and behavior, but they are still looking for the best travel experience.

So, without further ado, discover who are the American tourists and what they want.



The American Tourists Profile


american tourists infographics



Year after year, the American Tourists are more and more abundant — they often travel in family and prefer relaxing holidays to adventurous and authentic holidays.

They travel more than 4 times a year for a 6.7 days-long trip on average. Their Canadian neighbors travel less often (2.8 times a year on average) but travel longer (8.7 days-long trip on average).

These tourists are hyperconnected — they usually use the digital in their daily life. This explains why many of them use online tools to plan their trip — 63% for search engines, 60% for online travel agencies, and 57% for travelers reviews websites.

What inspires their decision-making process when booking a trip are their family and friends (54%), but mostly online contents such as travel websites and blogs (51% on average). They are fond of online blogs and websites dealing with some destinations and tourist attractions.




The American Tourists travel trends


The American tourists usually don’t travel out of their country: only 18% travel abroad. Most of the time, they travel inside the US to visit their family, or go to family-activity places (amusement parks, monuments visits…). Among the abroad destinations, Mexico attracts them the most — for its seaside resorts and its renowned gastronomy in the US — followed by Canada, then Western Europe (France, Spain and United Kingdom) completing the podium.

The American tourists favorite transport medium is the aircraft for 57% of them, then the buses for 37%. Travel by train only represents 1% of these tourists.

Time to deal with the budget — it represents the primary fact during the planning of a trip for 68% of the American tourists. They spend an average of $1978 per trip and is distributed as follows: 27% for the accommodation (63% of them go to a hotel), 20% for the flight, and 17% for the food.


The Americans have less holidays thanks some countries in Europe. This explains why when they go on vacation, they are on a mission to visit the most places possible. They don’t want to lose their time to fill their travel the best way they can. For example, if they visit Paris, they will want to see the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Palace of Versailles etc… since they are the must-sees of Paris.

This also highlight the fact that they are ready to open their wallet to make their trip profitable, and go back home full of souvenirs.



How to target and offer them the best solutions


You must target the American tourists where they are: they regularly visit travel websites, blogs, online travel agencies… — this is where your company must be! They are particularly sensitive to online advertising, especially as they spend a lot of time surfing the web to find their ideal destination. The Americans are tourists in a rush, it is important to offer them practical, intuitive, and fast offers and solutions, so that you don’t waste their time with your company.

57% of the American tourists travel by plane, and 70% haven’t totally planned their trip and are looking for inspiration. The best solution for your company is online advertising (digital in-flight advertisement). With this solution, you can promote your activity under various formats (banners, videos, minisites…), target a captive audience and encourage them interact with your company.


Make your company take off and target the American tourists to turn them into customers by clicking here!


Arnaud Abadie


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